Health Coverage

As a member of the Building Contractors Association, your company will have the opportunity to enroll in our medical plan. “Empire Blue Choice PPO” provides the coverage. This managed care package allows you to access a large network of highly credentialed providers, (also referred to as in-network providers) with no out-of-pocket cost to you other than a $20 co-payment for home and office visits. In addition, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield will be administering all of your medical benefits including hospital, in and out of network medical and dental benefits.

With this plan, you will have the option of either using an in netowrk PPO Provider or a non-participating out-of-network provider. However, the Empire Blue Choice PPO provides the following important advantages:

The ability to choose from a highly quality network of over 20,000 physicians, allied health professionals, laboratories, and diagnostic x-ray facilities.

Paid in full medical benefits, except for a small $20 co-payment for home and office visits.

No claim forms to file and no waiting for reimbursements. In-network providers bill Empire directly.